Phase 1 trial of Talaporfin (Laserphyrin / NPe6) in neurofibromatosis treats first patient

Not a full case report or a medical first but it is the first patient in a phase 1 trial of this intriguing, light-activated chemotherapy drug in children with plexiform neurofibromas. “Light Sciences Oncology, Inc. (LSO) today announced the treatment of the first patient in an investigator-sponsored Phase 1 pediatric study of its novel light-activated […]

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First internet-connected pacemaker? No.

Recently noticed this claim. “NEW YORK (Reuters) – After relying on a pacemaker for 20 years, Carol Kasyjanski has become the first American recipient of a wireless pacemaker that allows her doctor to monitor her health from afar — over the Internet.” (Strangely it became a World first when taken up by Yahoo! […]

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A case of eyelash transplantation a first in the UK or not?

“A woman from Greater Manchester has become the first person in the UK to undergo an eyelash transplant, surgical teams have claimed. Louise Thomas, 19, from Stockport, had the treatment because she suffers from trichotillomania – obsessive plucking or pulling out hair.” The surgery was performed by a private cosmetic surgery firm, Transform, who […]

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Aggressive Infantile Fibromatosis in an Iraqi child treated in the UK

The case of three-year-old Saif Basim with Agressive Infantile Fibromatosis is in the news this week. The young boy was flown from Iraq to be treated by British surgeons since the appropriate facilities were not available in Baghdad. Royal Jordanian airlines paid for the family’s flight to the UK but the British […]

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An unusual neurological presentation after exposure to snails. The reviewer (Dr Marion Woods, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Australia) commented: “The case of Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection with the clinical manifestations of eosinophilic meningo-encephalitis and myeloradiculitis that caused lower limb weakness and bladder dysfunction described in this issue of the journal is the likely consequence of ingestion of a very high worm burden […]

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