MedFASH celebrates 25 yrs

The Medical Foundation for HIV and Sexual Health is 25 yrs old (rebranded as MEDFASH). Established in 1987 by the BMA, as an independent foundation, with the aim of improving knowledge and understanding of HIV among health professionals it has grown and spread to encompass all aspects of sexual health.

As part of this celebration the foundation has a new website and has launched its Sexual Health & HIV Policy eBulletin.  MEDFASH Chief Executive, Ruth Lowbury, introduces the eBulletin: it is designed with local sexual health and HIV commissioners and providers in mind. It will give a concise and regular round-up of emerging policy developments, relevant evidence updates and available tools and resources across the field of sexual and reproductive health and HIV. It will also consider the impact the change agenda is having on this area of healthcare through a series of eFeature articles and interviews with those working at both national and local levels. This is particularly useful now at a time when service delivery is changing and many of us will be involved with new (and possibly challenging) ways of working and new communication channels.

Amonst other things the first issue includes: transfer of sexual heath services to local authorities; local transition arrangements; re-tendering of GUM services; Healthwatch England (the new consumer champion for health and care in England); HIV treatment for overseas visitors.

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