Surveys & Statistics

SHout Loud

(Sexual Health Out Loud) is a website based on a partnership between Terrence Higgins Trust, FPA, African Health Policy Network, National AIDS Trust, MedFASH and Brook. It aims to provide information about sexual health by geographical area. It is conducting 2 surveys, one for service users and one for service providers with the aim of monitoring changes in service delivery in light of funding difficulties.

Did you see the on-line poll on the front page of the Journal website? It asked for your views on the hot topic of whether to routinely offer local anaesthesia to women undergoing IUD/IUS insertions. Though many people have accessed the page not many took the time to answer the question. This issue has caused much discussion as you may have seen in the last 3 issues since the original letter from Dr Sam Hutt in January. To answer now, please click on the image to the left.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset,

aka SHRAD replaced the KT31 which is/are due to ‘retire’ in 2013. How are you coping with the new way of collecting our activity data? The latest edition of the SHRAD newsletter (no 5) is now available via the Faculty website.

And in the News

The GMC has announced a consultation on 2 future pillars of medical professionalism: CPD and revalidation. More info and access to the consultation on the GMC website.

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