Welcome to our ‘Most Read’ blog where we highlight the articles that have resonated the most with our readers. This month we have several new entries spanning a diverse array of topics, from energy drink consumption to tobacco use to COVID-19 vaccination.
Energy drink consumption and sleep parameters in college and university students
In this cross-sectional study, Kaldenbach et al. investigated the frequency of energy drink (ED) consumption, and the association between ED consumption and selected sleep characteristics and parameters in Norwegian college and university students. In a sample of 53,226 young adults, 4.7% of men and 3.3% of women reported consuming EDs daily. They also found that frequency of ED consumption was inversely associated with sleep duration and sleep efficiency, while a direct association was observed with the frequency of ED consumption and sleep patterns (e.g. sleep onset latency and wake after sleep onset) across sexes. Even small amounts of EDs were associated with poorer sleep outcomes. However, the authors acknowledge that the study relied on self-reported frequency of ED consumption, which can be susceptible to both recall bias and social desirability bias.
Cannabis for medical use versus opioids for chronic non-cancer pain
Jeddi et al. conducted a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials to evaluate the comparative benefits and harms of opioids and cannabis for medical use for chronic non-cancer pain. Of 20,012 citations identified, 90 studies from 89 publications proved eligible for review. They found that moderate certainty evidence showed that opioids provide small improvements in pain, physical functioning and sleep quality versus placebo; while low-to-moderate certainty evidence supported similar effects for cannabis versus placebo. Overall, neither was more effective than placebo for role, social or emotional functioning (all high-to-moderate certainty evidence). Although, the majority of the outcomes were informed by indirect evidence because the authors only found one trial directly comparing both interventions for chronic pain.
The Brazilian COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Using data retrieved from the Brazilian Ministry of Health databases (published between 17 January 2021 and 6 September 2021), Li et al. conducted a cross-sectional study to characterise the inequality in two-dose vaccination by sociodemographic groups across Brazil. They found that vaccination inequality persists between states, age and demographic groups despite increasing uptake. For example, vaccination coverage was higher in the wealthier South and Southeast, and men, people of colour and low-income groups were more likely to be only partially vaccinated due to missing or delaying a second dose.
Below are the top ten most-read papers in BMJ Open during January 2024:
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