BMJ Open trials Penelope

We are pleased to announce that, beginning today, BMJ Open will be providing authors with the option to trial Penelope.

Penelope is an automated online tool that checks scientific manuscripts for completeness and gives immediate feedback to authors. It has been customised to BMJ Open guidelines to help authors prepare for submission. Penelope was developed by Penelope Research in collaboration with the EQUATOR Network.

Authors have the ability to access Penelope via a link that we have included on the login page of the BMJ Open submission system. Authors provide the tool with a Word file and within minutes will receive feedback regarding aspects of a manuscript that require improvement, linking to additional resources when necessary. It is our hope that Penelope makes the submission process easier while also improving the reporting quality of submitted manuscripts.

Regarding the collaboration, James Harwood, Founder and CEO of Penelope Research, says, “Our goal at Penelope is to make publishing easier and faster, whilst also improving research integrity. BMJ staff are big contributors to the research integrity community, and I am delighted they have decided to invite their authors to use our tool”.We hope you find Penelope useful and welcome any feedback regarding your experience.

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