BMJ Open to publish abstracts for the UCL Qualitative Health Research Network symposium

On the Tuesday 7th February 2017, the UCL Qualitative Health Research Network will be hosting their third symposium entitled ‘Engagement, Co-production, and Collaborative Meaning-Making: Collaboration in Qualitative Health Research’, supported by The Wellcome Trust.

Held within the Institute of Child Health, 30 Guildford Street, London, the Network invite all those with an interest in qualitative health research, from policy makers to the general public, to come along and engage in presentations, workshops and discussions on the theme of collaboration.

Abstracts can be submitted up until the closing date of 26th September 2016, with successful submissions published in BMJ Open shortly after the symposium. The call for abstracts and details on of the submission process are available here.

Registration will open in November 2016 but please check the website or follow the QHRN on Twitter to keep up to date on key dates and plans.

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