Psychological PPE: Survival Kit for Creating a Safer Culture in the Covid-19 context by Dr Jeanne Hardacre & Dr Alexander Margetts

By Dr Jeanne Hardacre, Founding Director, Impact4Health & Dr Alexander Margetts, Clinical Psychologist, University of Leicester We have just spent 5 days as members of the newly-formed Training & Education Faculty for NHS Nightingale Hospital London. Alongside the phenomenal core team, we and others have been immersed in helping to shape, define and road-test a […]

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Compassionate leadership is not a ‘nice to have’ – for clinicians confronting COVID-19, it is a powerful weapon by Dame Clare Marx

None of us has experience of a pandemic like this. Dealing with coronavirus is the biggest challenge to face the NHS since it was founded. And it’s going to be difficult for us all. Doctors will find themselves working at the edge of their comfort zone. Some will confront harrowing situations. There will be difficult […]

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