Trialling innovative approaches to STI partner services: Partner-Delivered vv. Accelerated Partner Therapy

It is vital to treat partners of patients with curable STIs as quickly as possible.  But the effectiveness of interventions to achieve this proves hard to measure – and the case for increasing resources correspondingly difficult to make.  The inadequacy of the resources available to existing partner services has led some investigators in the US […]

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Could Chlamydia treatment failure be the result of genital contamination from persistent gut infection

The persistence of Chlamydia trachomatis  (Ct) infection in treated patients is generally attributed either to re-infection or poor treatment adherence.  To some, however, the evidence has suggested the operation of an additional factor – such as treatment failure (STIs/ Goetz & Bruisten; STIs/ Pitt & Ison; STIs/ Horner). A recent study (Rank & Yeruva (R&Y)) […]

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