Why STI-induced infertility can also be a male problem.

Among long-term sequelae of STI that are asymptomatic and may consequently remain untreated are a number that affect men.  The condition of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) has recently been discussed by Kenyon & Horner (STI), along with the feasibility of its treatment in the STI clinic (Crofts & Horner (STIs); Crofts & Horner (II) […]

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Bacterial vaginosis-associated bacterium (Gardnerella) may after all have a role in the aetiology of non-gonococcal urethritis

The question of the aetiology of ‘non-gonococcal’ or ‘non-specific’ urethritis (NGU/NSU) has been a hot topic of debate in this journal and its predecessors since before 1951, when it was officially acknowledged in the Chief Medical Officer’s report as an independent category of infection (Oriel (STI)). More recently, a number of infectious agents have been […]

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