HIV/AIDS in the US: the importance of local perspectives

Some recent studies, in STI and other journals, have sought to demonstrate the importance of spatial location as a determinant of STI prevalence in its own right (Haley & Cooper (STI); ‘Scoping Location’ (STI/blogs))). On the face of it, Brawner & Schensul appear to share this aim, in their comparative neighbourhood-based case study of multilevel factors affecting HIV transmission […]

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How Mobile Technology Can Lead to Improved Care of STIs – by Julie Potyraj

Blog by Julie Potyraj, Community Manager, Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University e: As we move into an era where our phones do everything from lowering the temperature in our homes to arranging a ride, it comes as no surprise that these devices also offer a new way to meet and engage […]

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