From the Editor’s desk Highlights from the STI BMJ journal – Nov 2022

Impacts of COVID-19 on sexual behaviour in Britain

Natsal-COVID was a large (N=6654) web survey quasi-representative of the British general population. In the 4 months following lockdown in Britain in March 2020, what factors were associated with perceiving change, often declines, in sexual frequency and satisfaction?

Access to, usage and clinical outcomes of online postal sexually transmitted infection services

There has been considerable expansion in online postal self-sampling STI services, against a backdrop of reduced funding and service fragmentation. The services are highly acceptable to users, however, could they widen health inequalities?

Factors associated with low levels of HIV testing among young men who have sex with men

Based on data from a European 2017 internet survey, 46% of 2313 MSM <25 years old in Spain had undergone HIV testing in the previous 12 months. What factors were associated with a reduced likelihood of testing?

Association between rectal gonorrhoea and HIV incidence in men who have sex with men in England

Between 2011 and 2018, among 541 056 HIV-negative MSM attending sexual health clinics, rectal GC rates increased from 3.5/100 person-years in 2011 to 11.1/100 person-years in 2018. How did HIV incidence change over the same period?


From the effectiveness of the 4CMenB vaccine against gonorrhoea among young people to the monkeypox outbreak, our editors have screened the recent literature to bring you unmissable research news.

STASHH: reflections and aspirations

Don’t miss the BASHH column!

BMJ Talk Medicine

Our new podcast is out! Presumptive and prophylactic management of bacterial STIs with Dr Manoji Gunathilake, Head of Sexual Health Services in Darwin, Australia, and Assistant Prof Will Nutland, Director of the Love Tank in London.


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Anna Maria Geretti, Editor in Chief

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