Access to palliative care in the US is improving but further work is needed.

The US-based Center to Advance Palliative Care has issued a national ‘Report Card’ which upgrades the overall level of palliative care accessibility in the country to a B grade, up from C in 2008. But whilst the number of hospitals with specialist palliative care units has increased significantly in recent years (more than doubling since […]

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WPCA Report Highlights Serious Shortcomings in International Palliative Care Provision

A new report by the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance shows that 32% of countries still have no known palliative care activity whatsoever. The study, entitled “Mapping levels of palliative care development: A global update 2011”, compiled detailed information about the level of hospice and palliative care provision in every country worldwide. The results also showed […]

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Uganda urged to consider palliative care ‘an urgent humanitarian need’

With more than 200,000 Ugandans  in need of palliative care and only 10 percent currently receiving it, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has advised an urgent increase in access to palliative care services for patients with life-threatening infections. WHO advisor on HIV/AIDS, Dr Innocent Nuwagira, speaking on behalf of the country representative Dr Joachim Saweka, […]

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