Dying Matters Awareness Week: Dr. Rachel Clarke in conversation with Prof. Mark Taubert

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A special recorded webinar for Dying Matters Awareness Week 2023.
Dr Rachel Clarke and Professor Mark Taubert discuss how to help people at the end of life have as full and rich a life as possible, the challenges of living in the face of death and the transformative power of human stories and storytelling.

Ever wondered how palliative care doctors ended up doing the work they do? And how they got there? In this webinar, Rachel Clarke outlines some of her life experiences, from early childhood, to becoming a journalist, to working as a doctor in a hospice.

What attracts people into this job? How can we improve conversations with people who are in distress? How do people working in this field stay grounded and sane? What works well for mouth ulcers?

This conversation covers multiple topics relevant to end of life care, but the main focus is living. Even if living involves a living bull being brought into a clinical setting! Or talking to palliative care professionals in a war zone, such as Ukraine.

This webinar has been organised by Compassionate Cymru, part of the Palliative and End of Life Care Programme NHS Wales.

Watch it here:

Recorded: Monday 24 April, University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, Wales.

Speakers: Dr Rachel Clarke, Mr John Moss, Dr Idris Baker and Prof Mark Taubert

Find out more about Dr Clarke on her website https://www.doctoroxford.com/

Link to Hospice Ukraine: https://www.hospiceukraine.com/


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