
Comparing the symptom experience of cancer patients and non-cancer patients.

Deshields TL, Penalba V, Liu J, Avery J.

Support Care Cancer. 2017 Apr;25(4):1103-1109.


This study focussed on symptom burden of 301 consecutive patients from a general medical clinic and 558 cancer patients from a tumour registry who completed the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale. Results showed that pain was more prevalent in non-cancer patients (p<0.05) and was reported as more frequent, severe and distressing. The overall symptom burden was higher for cancer patients (p=0.01) together with the psychological subscale scores (p<0.05).

The prevalence of dry mouth, mouth sores, feeling nervous, worry, cough, and dizziness was not significant between the groups of patients. There was no difference in the physical or the global distress index sub-scale scores when comparing both groups.


Composed by Elaine Boland.

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