
Predictors of Complicated Grief and Depression in Bereaved Caregivers: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study.

Nielsen MK, Neergaard MA, Jensen AB, et al.

J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017 Mar;53(3):540-550


A prospective survey of 3635 caregivers to terminally ill patients in Denmark was conducted. 2420 were bereaved within six months and of the survey, 2125 (88%) [mean age 62 years, 70% female] completed a post-loss follow-up questionnaire

At baseline, around 15% were identified as having severe pre-loss grief symptoms and experienced moderate to severe depressive symptoms. Six months after the bereavement, complicated grief was reported in 7.6% and 12.1% had moderate to severe depressive symptoms. The predictors of complicated grief and post-loss depressive symptom were pre-loss depressive symptoms (adjusted OR=5.6), being a partner (adjusted OR=2.2) and low educational level (adjusted OR=2.0). 26% of caregivers who reported severe pre-loss grief symptoms developed complicated grief and 33% developed post-loss depressive symptom.


Composed by Elaine Boland.

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