Parkinsons disease: managment includes more than just treating the motor symptoms

Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the exptrapyramidal system. Clinically, PD is regraded as a predominantly motor disorder, and the current therapies are aimed at managing this aspect of PD.  However, the PD population is elderly and so often, a holistic approach, some may call it a “geriatric approach”, is not heeded by the managing team resulting in morbidity and prolonged hospitalization.  In an upcoming issue of JNNP, Lubomski and colleagues address the issue of co-morbidities in PD in a large Australian cohort.   Specifically, PD patients were  more likely to suffer serious health problems, including delirium, adverse drug reactions, syncope, falls and fractures when compared to non-PD patients.  Clearly, the health system needs to be resources to address such issues, and it may be time for neurologist to rest away much needed resources from the geriatric discipline.



Read more:


Hospitalisation and comorbidities in Parkinson’s disease: a large Australian retrospective study

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