Foecal incontinence disorders in Wolfram syndrome: a new manifestation

Wolfram syndrome type 1 is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease causing many symptoms: insulin-dependent diabetes, optic neuropathy, hearing loss, diabetes insipidus, urinary disorders and balance disorders. A patient association alerted us to the possible existence of fecal incontinence in this syndrome. To confirm its existence of this symptom in this disease, we sent a questionnaire to 37 patients with Wolfram syndrome.

Seventeen patients reported fecal incontinence and constipation (45.95%). On an analog scale of 0 (mild) to 10 (very severe), this disorder is rated at 8.23.

It is important to make this symptom known so that it can be looked for and better managed. (By Dr. C. ORSSAUD, )

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