The 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine

The 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2014)  will be held on December 4-6, 2014 in San Antonio, TX, USA. Submissions are invited with unpublished original work describing recent advances on all aspects of Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing, including, but not restricted to the following topics:



•Genomics And Genetics, Including Integrative & Functional Genomics, Genome Evolution

•Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis, Applications, And Software And Tools

•Big Data Science Including Storage, Analysis, Modeling And Visualization

•Personalized Medicine And Translational Bioinformatics

•Drug Discovery, Design, And Repurposing

•Proteomics, And Protein Structure Prediction, Molecular Simulation And Evolution

•Image Analysis And Processing


Systems Biology:

•Modeling and simulation of biological processes, pathways, and networks

•Mathematical and quantitative models of cellular and multi-cellular systems

•Multi-dimensional omics data integration

•Synthetic biological systems


•Self-organization in living systems (cells, organisms, swarms, ecosystems, etc.)

•Applications of systems biology approaches to biomedical studies


Intelligent Computing:

•Machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery

•Natural langue processing, literature mining, semantic ontology, data privacy

•Neural computing, kernel methods, feature selection/extraction

•Evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence / optimization, ensemble methods

•Manifold learning theory, artificial life and artificial immune systems


Important Dates

Deadline for paper submission  September 1st, 2014

Notification to authors of papers  October 1, 2014

Deadline for highlight paper submission October 1, 2014

Notification to authors of highlight paper October 15, 2014

Deadline for abstract submission October 8, 2014

Notification to authors of abstracts October 15, 2014

Conference early registration October 15, 2014

ICIBM conference December 4-6, 2014



Travel Awards

Up to 20 travel awards are available to students/postdocs funded by a NSF grant.


Victor Jin on behalf of ICIBM 2014 Organizing Committee


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