
Injury Prevention Blog Post Instructions

Thank you for writing a blog post on your paper. This enables readers to learn from and engage with your work, as well as injury prevention as a subject.

We also accept submission of posts that are not related to newly published articles. These might be posts related to current events, topical issues, or other matters of interest that fall within the scope of injury prevention, for example:

How to Submit

Please email the following information to Simran Kang

  • Blog post title (Sentence case)
  • Title of Injury Prevention paper (if applicable)
  • Main post content (around 800 words)
  • Author names, affiliations, and Twitter handles
  • Competing interests

Instructions for Authors

  • Style: write clearly, succinctly, avoid jargon and non specialist language, avoid long paragraphs. The aim is for posts that are interesting and accessible for a wide lay audience.
  • Title: choose a succinct title that is likely to arouse interest in the topic.This title will be used in social media publicising your post.
  • Length of post: the average post is around 800 words. Word counts beyond this may limit reader engagement with your item and lead to them not reading all of the post. There is nothing wrong with shorter posts – they may create more engagement and interest in reading your full paper (where applicable).
  • Choose a clear aim for the post: Summarise your paper, focus on one element of your paper (argument, claim, objection, issue, etc) for summary, illustration, more or different analysis, to explain its importance, its relevance to other matters, etc. Approach or present the paper from a different angle – explain where the idea for it came from or the motivation to write it; a problem encountered in the research; happy accidents in the research, next steps, etc.
  • Any images will need a license for public use. Please attach images and provide copyright/permission to use information.
  • Competing interests: please declare any actual or potential competing interests you have of relevance for the post. This can be copied from the disclosure in your article.
  • Twitter accounts of author(s): these may be included in social media from the IP account to share the post. There is no obligation to provide these, but it can improve social media impact if they are provided.
  • Do not use formal references or in-text citations. Instead embed hyperlinks, ideally to popular sources (newspapers etc), and academic articles where necessary (open access versions preferred).
  • Format using Microsoft Word, or save to a Word-compatible file format.

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