SAVIR Journal Editor Session

During the 2021 the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) conference, Injury Prevention joined 4 other leading journals in a Journal Editor Symposium for student and early career professionals.

During this session, each editor provided an introduction to themselves, their research background, and the journal they represented. After introductions, the session moved onto a question-and-answer portion where attendees were invited to ask any questions.

A fantastic discussion ensued covering topics like:

  1. How to advocate for injury and violence research to be published in non-injury/violence journals;
  2. Pointers for early-career researchers who are first-time journal reviewers;
  3. How to increase chances of getting a manuscript accepted;
  4. Interrater/test-retest reliability on decisions to accept a manuscript for publication;
  5. Barriers to submission for those at non-research-based institutes with access to resources;
  6. Steps journals are taking for equity considerations/ how to improve increase publication numbers of non-English/US based manuscripts
  7. How to pick a journal to submit to

Every year this panel finds great success with early investigators and this year was no different! If you’re an early career professional, consider joining the conversation at the SAVIR conference next year!

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