Call for papers: Injury control and research in China

Call for papers: Injury control and research in China

Guest Editors:
Professor Rebecca Ivers, The George Institute for Global Health, Australia –
Professor Guoqing Hu, Central South University, China –
Professor Henry Xiang, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, USA –

Following rapid economic development, China has made significant progress in both development of health systems and disease control over the last three decades. Nonetheless, injury control and research have received less attention and investment in China compared to the prevention and control of infectious diseases and other non-communicable diseases. Injury deaths account for nearly 10% of all deaths and injury is responsible for 30% of years of life lost. There remains an important need for investment and research in injury prevention and control in China. In order to share China’s achievements and challenges in injury control and research with international communities, we invite domestic and international injury researchers to submit papers to a special themed issue of Injury Prevention.

We will consider original research, reviews and commentaries focusing on injury prevention and control in China. While we welcome papers on injury epidemiology and surveillance, priority will be given to manuscripts describing the development and evaluation of interventions or policies. All papers must meet the scientific, ethical and editorial standards of the journal.

Submission process: Potential authors should submit by email to one of the guest editors an abstract or short summary of their proposed manuscript. The guest editors will review the proposals and invite selected authors to submit a full manuscript. The submitted final manuscripts will be subject to formal independent peer review in accordance with the Journal’s usual practice.


  • Proposals due: 15th July 2017
  • Response to proposals: 1st August 2017
  • Full manuscripts due: 30th November 2017

Author guidelines are available online at

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