Very exciting news!

Announcing the new Injury Prevention social media editorial team

Today I am both delighted and honoured as Senior Blog Editor to introduce our outstanding team of Injury Prevention Blog Editors. Over the coming days I will blog so that you can learn quite a bit about our Editors, including their experience and injury prevention interests. I am sure over time you will come to eagerly await their next blog and their latest tweet!

Blog 1:  Tell us about yourself and introduce your tweet

Sheree Bekker:   PhD scholar originally from South Africa, currently based at the Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP), Federation University Australia. My PhD research is on the development and dissemination of safety promotion and injury prevention resources for community sport in Australia. @shereebekker is based @ACRISPFedUni researching #dissemination #sportsafety & #injuryprevention. Student representative @_AIPN

David Bui: Final year B. Med / M.D. student at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. Research interests in Injury prevention in a variety of settings, including Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine and Performing Arts Medicine, as well as Medical Education. Current President of UNSW Sports Medicine Society. @David_Bui_  is a final year BMed/MD student @UNSW. Passionate about #injuryprevention #Ortho, #Sportsmed #MusicMed #MedEd #FOAMed. President @UNSWSportMedsoc

Angy El-Khatib: Master of Public Health from West Virginia University. Background in Athletic Training from Marshall University. I am interested in intersecting public health approaches into athletic training practice to address injury prevention issues at the population level. @angyotensin is a MPH grad of @WVUPublicHealth. Alum of @MUSportsMed. Interested in intersecting #publichealth with #athletictraining.

Klara Johansson: Public health researcher from Sweden, with a PhD degree from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, currently based at Umeå university, Sweden. @KlaJoh, is researcher at @UmeaUniversity (and consultant). Research on #adolescent #safety, #mental_health, #sexuality, #gender

Joseph Magoola: Masters of Public Health graduate, based at Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala Uganda. I am currently coordinating a collaboration research study between Johns Hopkins University and Makerere University on saving lives in drowning, as well as writing a manuscript of my MPH dissertation research. #Injuryprevention @jmagoola is based @maksph and blogs about #injuries on

Julian Santaella-Tenorio: Third year epidemiology doctoral student at Columbia University in New York. I am originally from Colombia, South America. My research interest focuses on injury and violence prevention, substance abuse and mental health. @Juliaosanta is a DrPH candidate at @cuepidemiology at @Columbia currently doing research on injury and violence prevention

Thank you to my team of Blog Editors for sharing with us, and I look forward to sharing more tomorrow.


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