Impact and Innovation: Preventing Injury in a Changing World

Regular readers of the Injury Prevention blog are well-aware of my passionate support for conferences: not only do you get to learn about and share cutting-edge research, networking with peers can be invaluable for many, many, reasons, not least of which is sparking new collaborative research and practice efforts. This quick blog is to let you know about an opportunity to participate in a conference here in sunny Australia. I hope to see you ‘down under’!

Abstracts now open – 12th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference

The Australian Injury Prevention Network (AIPN), and the George Institute for Global Health Australia, are pleased to invite you to be part of the premier injury prevention conference for Austrlaia and the Asia Pacific, the 12th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, to be held at The University of Sydney, 25-27 November 2015.

With a theme of “Impact and Innovation: Preventing Injury in a Changing World“, the Conference will be a multi-disciplinary event featuring representatives from all facets of injury prevention including research, teaching, practice and policy, and will cover areas including child and family safety, road and transport safety, falls and ageing, water safety (including drowning), burns prevention, injury in a global perspective, rural and remote injury prevention, sports injury prevention and treatment, workplace safety, injury amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and more.

Visit the conference website for more information and to submit an abstract.

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