Child Safety Strategies – A NICE evidence update

Michael Watson, from the Univ of Nottingham, kindly sent this information to the blog:

In February an Evidence Update was produced by the English National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). The document provides a summary of new evidence from around the world relevant to strategies to prevent unintentional injuries among children and young people aged under 15’. It includes sections on: injury surveillance, home safety, road safety and leisure safety.

In relation to home safety for example, new key references include RCTs from the UK and USA as well as a mixed method evaluation of a national home safety equipment scheme that targeted the most disadvantaged families in England. This Evidence Update highlights key points from the new research and provides a commentary describing its strengths and weaknesses.

Editors note: On the one hand this is encouraging, but on the other it is worth noting that while NICE kindly provides guidance, it does not provide any funding for implementation. This is all too typical of how many governmental bodies behave towards injury prevention. It needs to change but I confess I have no idea how it will short of massive public pressure!

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