PhD Scholarship Opportunity

The University of Ballarat (Australia) has a new Centre for Healthy and Safe Sport (CHASS), under the direction of  Professor Caroline Finch.

CHASS is offering two PhD scholarship opportunities. Applications from both Australian and International candidates are invited:

Statistical coding, classification and analysis

Advanced statistical modelling of longitudinal injury data e.g. time series modelling and prediction, survival analysis and analysis of repeat event data, competing risks modelling, latent variable modelling, missing value imputation, etc; Sports injury surveillance methodology development and/or conduct, including data collection procedures, assessment and evaluation; Development and assessment of sports injury coding and classification schemes and injury definitions; Injury surveillance based on routinely collected hospital data – comparison of different statistically-based case ascertainment strategies; data coding classification; multiple presentations.

Applicants must have a strong background in applied statistics, epidemiology, database systems, data mining or mathematics.

Translating evidence into practice

Packaging and delivering of interventions to ensure high levels of compliance and uptake; drivers of and barriers towards sustainable injury prevention programs in non-elite/non-professional sport; Researching the process of informing and setting of population level and/or peak sports body sports safety policy and programs; Researching the process of better communication with, and education of, sports bodies, their athletes and the public re sports safety/injury prevention.

Applicants must have a strong background in sports medicine/physiotherapy, behavioural science, psychology, health promotion, social marketing/media, public health, or sports science.


Information can be found at

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