Best twitter feeds for injury prevention?

Those of you who have found and read our blog likely also know that Injury Prevention has a twitter feed. We use twitter to call attention to papers in the journal, to news from the BMJ Group of general interest to authors in biomedical fields and to interesting observations, events and data from the broader community. If you haven’t already done so, please follow @IPJournal_BMJ

If you haven’t ventured into twitter you’re missing out on a convenient and efficient way to micro blog about your papers, conferences, ideas and interests whilst simultaneously following others. As is often the case, those of us in healthcare and public health are well behind our colleagues in industry in learning about the strategic use of twitter to shape opinion, promote content and keep our audience engaged. But there are plenty of creative minds working to change that. For example, enterprising junior doctors in the UK have used the medium to conduct a fortnightly “twitter journal club” with remarkable success:


But who should you follow if you’re interested in injury prevention and safety promotion? Below is a short list based on my rambling searches …  I invite you to comment with your own favorites.


@safetymd – Flaura Winston

@CarolineFinch – Caroline Finch

@margiepeden – Margie Peden

@rebeccaivers – Rebecca Ivers

@trished – Trish Groves, deputy editor BMJ

Research Centres

@HIPRC – Harborview Injury Prevention Research  Center

@JohnsHpkinsCIRP – Johns Hopkins Injury Center


@georgeinstitute – George Institute

@RTIRN – RTIRN Secretariat

@TRBofNA – Transportation Research Board

Other Organizations

@WHOviolencenews – WHO violence news

@safekidsworld – SafeKids Worldwide

@UNICEFInnocenti – UNICEF Innocenti

@CAPTcharity – CAPT

@NSCsafety– National Safety Council


@Make_Roads_Safe – Decade of Action on Road Safety

@Safety2012 – Safety 2012


@IPJournal_BMJ – Injury Prevention

@bmj_latest – BMJ

@TheLancet – Lancet

@PublicHealth – AJPH

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