#GUTBlog: Bismuth quadruple three-in-one single capsule three times a day increases effectiveness compared with the usual four times a day schedule: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)

Professor El-Omar has selected Professor Xavier Calvet to do the next #GUTBlog. He is Consultant at the Servei d’Aparell Digestiu, Parc Taulí, Hospital Universitari, Barcelona, Spain (the full biography of first and senior authors are below). The #GUTBlog focusses on the paper “Bismuth quadruple three-in-one single capsule three times a day increases effectiveness compared with the […]

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#GUTBlog: An efficient strategy for evaluating new non-invasive screening tests for colorectal cancer: the guiding principles

Professor El-Omar has selected Professors Professors Young, Bresalier and Senore (on behalf of the Members of the World Endoscopy Colorectal Cancer Screening New Test Evaluation Expert Working Group) to do the next #GUTBlog. The #GUTBlog focusses on the paper “An efficient strategy for evaluating new non-invasive screening tests for colorectal cancer: the guiding principles” which was published […]

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#GUTBlog: Life cycle assessment of routinely used endoscopic instruments and simple intervention to reduce our environmental impact

Professor El-Omar has selected Professor Vicente Lorenzo-Zúñiga from La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital, Valencia, Spain to do the next #GUTBlog. The #GUTBlog focusses on the paper “Life cycle assessment of routinely used endoscopic instruments and simple intervention to reduce our environmental impact“ which was published in paper copy in GUT in September 2023.     Professor Vicente […]

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#GUT Blog: Joint Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE)–Asian Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy (APSDE) clinical practice guidelines on the use of non-invasive biomarkers for diagnosis of colorectal neoplasia

Professor El-Omar has selected Professors Francis KL Chan, Siew C Ng, Martin CS Wong, Raja Affendi Raja Ali, and Kaichun Wu to do the next #GUTBlog. Prof. Francis Chan is the Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Chair Professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Prof. Siew […]

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#GUT Blog: Hepatic encephalopathy is not a contraindication to pre-emptive TIPS in high-risk patients with cirrhosis with variceal bleeding

Professor El-Omar has chosen Dr Marika Rudler and Professor Dominique Thabut to do the next #GUTBlog on behalf of the International Variceal Bleeding Observational Study Group: a Baveno Cooperation.  Dr Rudler and Professor Thabut are from the Hopitaux Universitaires Pitie Salpetriere-Charles Foix, Paris, France. The #GUTBlog focusses on the paper “Hepatic encephalopathy is not a contraindication […]

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#GUT Blog: Early management of acute severe UC in the biologics era: development and international validation of a prognostic clinical index to predict steroid response

Professor El-Omar has chosen Dr Alex Adams and Professor Jack Satsangi to do the next #GUTBlog.  Dr Adams and Professor Satsangi are from the Translational Gastroenterology Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. The #GUTBlog focusses on the paper “Early management of acute severe UC in the biologics era: development and international validation of a prognostic […]

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#GUT Blog: Efficacy of biological therapies and small molecules in induction and maintenance of remission in luminal Crohn’s disease: systematic review and network meta-analysis

Professor El-Omar has chosen Professor Alexander Ford and Dr Brigida Barberio to do the next #GUTBlog. Professor Ford is from the Leeds Gastroenterology Institute, St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds, and the Leeds Institute of Medical Research, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK and Dr Brigida Barberio is from the Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology (DISCOG), Gastroenterology Unit, University of Padova-Azienda […]

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#GUT Blog: Green Endoscopy: British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), Joint Advisory Group for Endoscopy (JAG) and Centre for Sustainable Health (CSH) Joint Consensus on practical measures for environmental sustainability in endoscopy

Professor El-Omar has chosen Professor Shaji Sebastian and Professor Anjan Dhar to do the next #GUTBlog. Professor Sebastian is from the Department of Gastroenterology, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull, UK and Professor Dhar is from the Department of Gastroenterology, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Darlington.  The #GUTBlog focusses on the paper “Green endoscopy: British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), Joint […]

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#GUT Blog: Third Asia-Pacific consensus recommendations on colorectal cancer screening and postpolypectomy surveillance

Professor El-Omar has chosen Professor Joseph Sung to do the next #GUTBlog. Professor Sung is a Distinguished University Professor from the  Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore, Singapore.  Professor Sung is the first author on the guidelines covered in the #GUTBlog.  The #GUTBlog focusses on the guidelines “Third Asia-Pacific consensus recommendations on colorectal cancer screening and postpolypectomy surveillance” which was published […]

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Special #GUT Blog: NIHR event and trainee network seek to enhance gastroenterology trainee’s participation in research

Professor El-Omar has agreed to a special #GUTBlog by Professor Matthew Brookes, from the University of Wolverhampton and Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Gastroenterology deputy national specialty group lead, along with Dr Abdullah Abbasi, Gastroenterology trainee, from the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.  In this #GUTblog they reflect on the importance of Gastroenterology trainees being engaged […]

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