Shape of training review: an impact assessment for UK gastroenterology trainees

Higher specialty training is changing! We need to know how and what the data shows to plan ahead and assure the training of tomorrow’s consultant meets the health requirements of the populations they serve.

The below article published in Frontline Gastroenterology examined the potential impact condensing five years into four will have on achieving the key competencies in gastroenterology. It also lays out clearly what the future of gastroenterology may look like. The results of this study using the British Society of Gastroenterology Trainee’s survey data had positive elements but also highlighted some concerning data.

Encouragingly, satisfaction with training was shown to be overall good. However, there remains concerns about the high level of general internal medicine and how this may negatively effect both gastroenterology and endoscopy training. The number of endoscopic procedures for trainees in 2018 was down from 2014 , this on a background of significantly rising demands for endoscopy.

Perhaps unsurprisingly achieving JAG accreditation in colonoscopy remains more challenging than oesophagogastroduodenoscopy. With recent contract changes and discussions on safe working hours, it is surprising to learn that controversially more than half are using annual leave or “zero” days to gain additional endoscopy training. Reasons for this include increased GIM requirements and fewer, appropriate training lists available. Changing training from five years to four years may have significant negative effects on this with only 13.5% of trainees achieving full colonoscopy certification in four years currently.

The data in the article is interesting and important to digest. Although some of it is uncomfortable reading, knowing the state of play is the next step in assuring that tomorrow’s consultant is trained to the highest standard. This article is therefore a must for all involved with gastroenterology and endoscopy whether that be through being a trainee or trainer. Shape of Training will effect us all and this article makes great steps towards examining how.

Find the full article here :

Clough J, FitzPatrick M, Harvey P, et al.. Shape of Training Review: an impact assessment for UK gastroenterology trainees. Frontline Gastroenterology. 2019 Mar 5:flgastro-2018.

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