Supporting newly qualified nurses into the world of work

Jane Wray, Senior Research Fellow, Director of Research, School of Health and Social Work, University of Hull Finishing university and starting employment is an exciting time for newly qualified nurses. Itโ€™s the beginning of what is generally a long, successful and exciting career within the profession. It can, however, also be a stressful or challenging […]

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Nursing Practice

This weekโ€™s EBN Twitter Chat is on Wednesday 2nd November between 8-9 pm (BST) and will be hosted by Stacey Roles (@StaceyRoles) clinical nurse specialist, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Roberta Heale, (@robertaheale) Associate Editor at EBN and Associate Professor, Laurentian University School of Nursing, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The Twitter chat this week will focus on a […]

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