Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Nursing Practice

This week’s EBN Twitter Chat is on Wednesday 2nd November between 8-9 pm (BST) and will be hosted by Stacey Roles (@StaceyRoles) clinical nurse specialist, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

Roberta Heale, (@robertaheale) Associate Editor at EBN and Associate Professor, Laurentian University School of Nursing, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

The Twitter chat this week will focus on a commentary written by Stacey Roles (@staceyroles) about whether combined cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI) improves medication adherence.  However, given that the underlying principle of CBT is to teach the patient to identify, evaluate and respond to dysfunctional beliefs and thoughts, the implementation of it is far more widespread than this specific topic and we anticipate that the discussion encompass the broader topic of CBT.  As a form of psychotherapy, CBT focuses on problems and actions rather than unconscious meanings behind behaviours. CBT is an evidence-based and widely used treatment option.

To read @StaceyRoles commentary, please click on this link:

Participating in the Twitter chat requires a Twitter account; if you do not already have one you can create an account at Once you have an account, contributing is straightforward. You can follow the discussion by searching links to #ebnjc, or contribute by creating and sending a tweet (tweets are text messages limited to 140 characters) to @EBNursingBMJ and add #ebnjc (the EBN Twitter chat hash tag) at the end of your tweet, this allows everyone taking part to view your tweets.

Questions to consider prior to the Twitter Chat:

1.     What are your experiences with patient’s response to CBT?

2.     How do you think CBT could be incorporated into your clinical setting?

3.     What adjunct therapies, if any, do you think are required in combination with CBT?



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