Spreading the word – why SciComm and nurses are a perfect match, especially during a pandemic

Dr Susie Cartledge, BN(Hons), PhD, FESC, FCSANZ  @susiecartledge,Melbourne, Australia Dr Susie Cartledge is a Registered Nurse and Senior Research Fellow. Her research focuses on empowering cardiac patients and their families to manage cardiovascular disease long term. There have been so many health messages during the COVID19 pandemic. Stay home, wash your hands, wear a mask, […]

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Changing Times – A Time to Reflect

Well it is the start of a New Year, and for many it is a time to reflect, evaluate work/life and embrace new opportunities. Reflection and the capacity for reflexivity are central to nursing practice because they inform clinical decisions leading to improvements in care and patient outcomes. Reflection is associated with developing nursing competence […]

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