Consultation on the new education standards – have your say!

Joanna Smith (@josmith175) Associate Editor, EBN

There will be no EBN Twitter chat this week, as there is an important chat being hosted by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on the proposed changes to nurse education. The chat will be held on Wednesday 5th July 2017 from 6-7pm UK time. Join in the conversation by using #RCNchat

Participating in the Twitter Chat requires a Twitter account; if you do not already have one you can create an account at Once you have an account contributing is straightforward; follow the discussion by searching for #RCNchat. Once linked to the discussion, click “all tweets” to keep up-to-date with recent tweets. To join in, add the #RCNchat hash tag your tweets, this allows everyone taking part to view your contribution.

The purpose of the Shape of Caring: Raising the Bar review published in March 2015 was to review models of education & training for nurse registrants & healthcare assistants in England with 34 recommendations made that would shape the future of nurse education:

The Nursing & Midwifery Council is responsible for the regulation of nurses & midwives in England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland, with the purpose of protecting the public (

The council set standards of education, training, conduct & performance so that nurses & midwives can deliver high quality healthcare. Since the publication of Shape of Caring: Raising the Bar review there has been consultation & much debate, consternation & expectation from nurses in practice, managers & educators in anticipation of the proposed framework and whether it will meet the rapidly changing health & social care landscape and reflect the shift in nurses’ roles over the next 10 years.

The standards will establish:

  • How nurses & midwives are educated – the standards for education & training;
  • What nurses & midwives can do when they join our register – standards of proficiency;
  • What their education & training courses need to set out – course requirements.

The consultation will close on 12 September 2017 and can be accessed at

The following links outline the main changes that have been proposed:


Draft standards of standards of proficiency:

Draft standards for education & training–standards-for-education-and-training.pdf


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