International Council of Nurses Congress – Using Social Media to Engage with Nurses

Roberta Heale (@robertaheale) & Joanna Smith (@josmith175) Associate Editors, EBN

We are presenting how Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) is using social media to engage with nurses at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress, being help at the end of May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Nurses across the globe will be exploring nurses’ roles in leading the transformation of care, & is an opportunity for nurses to build networks, share & disseminate nursing practices across specialties, cultures & countries,

The ICN ams to

Demonstrate & advance the nursing contribution to informed & sustainable health policies;

Support nursing’s contribution to evidence-based healthcare & encourage problem-solving approaches to health priority needs:

Provide opportunities for an in-depth exchange of experience & expertise within & beyond the international nursing community.

We are excited to be representing the work of EBN at the ICN Congress, and networking with peers. Although the journal’s main purpose is to publish expert commentaries on current research that is relevant to nursing, over the last few years EBN editors have implemented a social media strategy to increase engagement with our readers, their access to evidence for practice & awareness of important health issues. We will be sharing our social media strategies that include:

  • Posting regularly on our Facebook @BMJNursing & Twitter account @EBNursingBMJ;
  • Hosting fortnightly Twitter Chats which are linked to a new Opinions article series relating to discussing participants’ key messages during the Twitter chat;
  • Publishing weekly blogs (;
  • Recording podcasts with authors of commentaries to expand & debate in more depth issues raised in the commentary.

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