Key messages from INANE

Alison Twycross (@alitwy), Editor and Joanna Smith (@josmith175) and Roberta Heale (@robertaheale), Associate Editors, EBN
R Heale photoIMG_0206image

Last week we shared our excitement at the prospect of representing EBN, and presenting the successes and challenges of embedding social media as a core EBN activity at the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE), conference.

IMG_0155The opening gala was a great opportunity to network, debate and consider how journals and their editorial teams are shaping nursing, and included a
thoughtful and stimulating presentation of Florence Nightingale’s Reluctant Life in Portraiture by Natasha McEnroe, Director of the Florence Nightingale Museum.

Our presentation focused on the ways social media activities can be used in nursing journals to engage the journal readership and outline the purpose of social media strategy media activities within EBN, and despite anxieties about web access we managed a live Twitter chat (#ebnjc) demonstration! We shared some of EBN social media successes:

The EBN social media strategy has:

  • Widened our opportunities to engage with our readership
  • Meant we engage with a more diverse audience than the traditional paper journal copy readership.

Other key messages from INANE included:

  • The bad practice / poor reporting of clinical trials outcomes such as reporting favorable results that often are different from those in their original protocol and often negative results aren’t reported. Dr Ben Goldacre unpicked the dodgy scientific claims made by scaremongering journalists, dubious government reports, pharmaceutical corporations, PR companies and quacks; his similar TED talk can be accessed below
  • A concurrent session led by Alistair Hewison, questioned the need for journal editors to reflect on how they can develop political awareness among their readers (and the stages of political awareness)
  • A keynote on the role of ORCID ID to facilitate identification of an individual’s body of work was a timely reminder of the role of journals in maximizing consistent identifiers for authors and journals.

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