
This week’s EBN Twitter Chat will be held on Wednesday the 18th of May between 8-9 pm (UK time) and will be hosted by Kelly Young who is the Children’s Theme Team Lead for the Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Research Network (@mrskellyyoung) and will focus on the #whywedoresearch campaign.

Participating in the Twitter chat requires a Twitter account; if you do not already have one you can create an account at www.twitter.com. Once you have an account, contributing is straightforward. You can follow the discussion by searching links to #ebnjc, or contribute by creating and sending a tweet (tweets are text messages limited to 140 characters) to @EBNursingBMJ and add #ebnjc (the EBN Twitter chat hash tag) at the end of your tweet, this allows everyone taking part to view your tweets.

At EBN promoting research that underpins nursing is one of our core values: our research made simples series is one way of helping nurses understand research, the series can be accessed via our web site or the link below, with many article free to download:


#whywedoresearch campaign @mrskellyyoung

In 1995 I qualified as a Registered Nurse (Adult) and was one of the first Staff Nurses to emerge from Project 2000 image002programme at Mid Trent College of Nursing and Midwifery in Lincolnshire. Soon after qualifying I embarked on a career in neonatal nursing. Fast forward 20 years and I have, and still am, enjoying a fantastic and fulfilling nursing career in neonatal care. In 2010 I became a research nurse supporting families and clinical teams through research care pathways. In 2015 I became the Bradford based Children’s Theme Team Lead for the Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Research Network (CRN) https://www.crn.nihr.ac.uk/yorkshire-and-humber/

My role is to focus on increasing good quality research opportunities for children and their families that will ultimately improve care and outcomes for future generations; which is most definitely my own personal ‘#whywedoresearch’!

I was excited to become one of the first #whywedoresearch ambassadors in 2015. I embraced this opportunity recognised the benefits to being involved, which for me are to engage colleagues, children and families in research. #whywedoresearch has huge potential to engage and unite all stakeholders in research through a simple interaction, simple but powerful. The engagement of clinical colleagues including nursing staff cannot be underestimated as we move towards a culture whereby research opportunities for patients are embedded in clinical care. Kelly Young RGN, @mrskellyyoung

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Some things to think about before the Twitter Chat:

Why do you think nurse should understand, undertake and implement research?

What are the challenges facing nurse researchers?

What are the challenges in relation to undertaking research with children?



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