Online Journal Club September Edition

The article for discussion this month focuses on quality of life in years 1, 2 and 3 after prostate cancer diagnosis.  This is an important topic, in particular, because of the widespread prevalence of prostate cancer among older men.  This longitudinal research used both quantitative and qualitative methods with a sample size of 21.  Results demonstrated that the patients in this study reported high levels of quality of life, with high ratings for overall physical functioning and health and they appeared to adjust to the diminished sexual function over the 3 year study interval.

The commentary suggests that nurses have a role in understanding that each individual will have a different prediagnosis level of and valuation of sexual activity/function.  Nurses are also well positioned to provide education to patients about common sexual problems encountered post prostate cancer treatment and the options for addressing these issues.

What is your reaction to this research?  Are the quantitative scales utilized and sample size of 21 enough to influence your practice?  Do you think that the findings are generalizable?  Will it change the way you care for patients who have had prostate cancer treatment? Tell us what you think.

You may review the podcast from this link:

Article: Jakobsson L, Persson L, Lundqvist P. Daily life and life quality 3 years following prostate cancer treatment. BMC Nurs 2013; 12: 11.


Comments about the topic can be posted on this blog, or using twitter at #ebnjc.



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