Medical Humanities COVID 19 RESOURCES List

Coronavirus, public domain image


Like many of our readers, we at BMJ Medical Humanities have been diligently following responses to the present pandemic. Much of the blog content has shifted to look at the ways medical humanities and social justice address the crisis, and recent submissions to the journal also reflect the shifting issues around COVID 19 spread and treatment as well as consequent societal upheaval and challenges. We have decided to begin a list of other resources as well, with links to blogs, journals, special issues, or responses that may help our readership. If you would like to see something featured here, please submit them to the blog email (on the submissions page). We will update this list as we received items, and as always, we wish you safe and well.

Solidarity and Care: stories of COVID19, which is a combo of personal stories, poetry, and more focused essays.

Medical and Health Humanities: a special COVID19 issue of Synapsis

WITS Journal of Clinical Medicine: a COVID 19 Special Issue treating conditions in South Africa

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