Unusual causes of bowel obstruction: Fast atrial fibrillation and caecal volvulus – a case report and evidence based management

Elderly patients with bowel obstruction frequently present with cardiovascular complications that introduce an added challenge in their management. Here the authors describe an unusual presentation of a caecal carcinoma in a patient with concomitant atrial fibrillation. Seema Biswas Editor-in-Chief Fast atrial fibrillation and caecal volvulus – a case report and evidence based management […]

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Unusual causes of bowel obstruction: Disseminated histoplasma and CMV infection presenting as subacute intestinal obstruction in an immunocompromised patient

How common is a stricture in the ascending colon? Surely at colonoscopy this is worthy of biopsy? An interesting read…causes of bowel obstruction in immunocompromised patients… Seema Biswas Editor-in-Chief Disseminated histoplasma and CMV infection presenting as subacute intestinal obstruction in an immunocompromised patient […]

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A case of an erroneous preference diagnosis?

“Misdiagnosing patients’ preferences may be less obvious than misdiagnosing disease, but the consequences for the patient can be just as severe”, states a new publication from the Kings Fund – Patients’ preferences matter: stop the silent misdiagnosis. The author, Al Mulley, argues that well informed patients make different choices about their treatment. Also, patients’ may […]

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