A cutting edge review- Iron deficiency anaemia: pathophysiology, assessment, practical management

In this month’s blog we will focus on a timely review with extremely practical tips, clinical management pointers and highly useful flow charts- Kumar and colleagues review on iron deficiency anaemia. IDA is a well-recognised problem. Not only is it the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide, it is also a very common condition in the […]

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Gastrointestinal pathogens, iron deficiency and IBD, primary biliary cirrhosis, and IBD medications in COVID-19: March 2021

In March’s edition of our BMJ Open Gastroenterology blog I discuss three articles published in the journal within the last 4 weeks, on testing for gastrointestinal pathogens, use of oral iron preparation in IBD and on an exercise-based trial for fatigue in liver disease. Whilst the third wave of COVID-19 rescinds in the UK, it […]

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