Drugs and mental health, the mistreatment of clinical interns and evidence-based practice: Most-read articles in February

  The most-read article in February was Al-Shafaee and colleagues’ study of the mistreatment of clinical interns in Oman. Doyle et al‘s  systematic review of the links between patient experience and clinical safety – originally published in January – remains popular,  and Ubbink et al’s newly published scoping review on evidence-based practice was the third most-read. Ward et al‘s paper on […]

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Rock stars, hypnotics and the Olympics: Most read articles in January

  The most read article in January was Doyle et al‘s recently published systematic review of the links between patient experience and clinical safety. Bellis et al‘s much discussed paper on rock star mortality was in second place, followed by Kripke et al‘s study of hypnotics and mortality, originally published almost a year ago. Newly published papers in the top ten […]

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Using the SPIRIT statement to improve trial protocols

We have updated our instructions for authors to show that we now encourage the use of the SPIRIT statement. SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) is ‘an international initiative that aims to improve the quality of clinical trial protocols by defining an evidence-based set of items to address in a protocol’. Its creation […]

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Most read articles in December

The most read article in December was Bellis and colleagues’ study of mortality amongst rock and pop stars, which also received a great deal of press attention. The second most read was Rajavashisth et al‘s study of diabetes prevalence amongst marijuana users which was originally published way back in February 2012. Bergman et al‘s newly published paper on […]

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Most read articles in November

The most read article in November was Arroll and Howard’s newly published prospective study on therapeutic approaches to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. The second most read was also a new study, by Liao and colleagues, on the content and quality of information in online advertisements for female genital cosmetic surgery. Rank Author(s) Title 1 Arroll […]

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