Paternal involvement in child-rearing, health anxiety, and the global epidemiology of alcohol use: Most read articles in November

Paternal involvement in early child-rearing, health anxiety and risk of ischaemic heart disease, and the global epidemiology of alcohol use

The Top 10 Most Read list for November contains a number of new entries including papers on the reasons for retraction of articles, and the relationship between earlobe creases and coronary artery disease. At number one this month is a longitudinal study by Reece et al, which looks into the possibility that cannabis-exposed patients may be ageing more quickly. Entering the list at four and five respectively, are Farren et al and Berge et al with studies on the emotional distress in women after early pregnancy loss and the prospective association of health anxiety with ischaemic heart disease. A study on the involvement of fathers in early child-rearing on behaviour and development in their pre-adolescent children by Opondo et al reaches number six, finding that psychological and emotional aspects of paternal involvement in children’s early upbringing, particularly how new fathers see themselves as parents and adjust to the role, is associated with positive outcomes in children. It also received a press release and some attention on social media. Finally, returning at number eight this month, we have a popular article on birth cohort trends in the global epidemiology of alcohol use and alcohol-related harms in men and women by Slade et al, which concludes that the male-female gap in indicators of alcohol use and related harms is closing.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Reece et al. Cannabis exposure as an interactive cardiovascular risk factor and accelerant of organismal ageing: a longitudinal study
2 Ravnskov et al. Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review
3 Spoelman et al. Effect of an evidence-based website on healthcare usage: an interrupted time-series study
4 Farren et al. Post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression following miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy: a prospective cohort study
5 Berge et al. Health anxiety and risk of ischaemic heart disease: a prospective cohort study linking the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK) with the Cardiovascular Diseases in Norway (CVDNOR) project
6 Opondo et al. Father involvement in early child-rearing and behavioural outcomes in their pre-adolescent children: evidence from the ALSPAC UK birth cohort
7 Wang et al. Relationship between diagonal earlobe creases and coronary artery disease as determined via angiography
8 Slade et al. Birth cohort trends in the global epidemiology of alcohol use and alcohol-related harms in men and women: systematic review and metaregression
9 Hashem et al. Cross-sectional survey of the amount of free sugars and calories in carbonated sugar-sweetened beverages on sale in the UK
10 Moylan et al. Why articles are retracted: a retrospective cross-sectional study of retraction notices at BioMed Central

Most read figures are based on pdf downloads and full text views. Abstract views are excluded.

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