Volunteering and mental health, breast feeding outcomes and condom use intentions: Most read articles in August

Association of volunteering and mental well-being, breast feeding outcomes and place of birth, and condom use intentions of heterosexual men

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The August most read list contains papers with a number of different study designs, on a number of different topics. Returning to the top spot this month is a systematic review on the lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly, by Ravnskov et al. At numbers three and six respectively, we have Quigley et al with a cross-sectional study examining the association between breast feeding outcomes and place of birth, and Tabassum et al with a study on the association of volunteering with mental well-being which also received a press release. Levett et al come in at number eight with randomised controlled trial which concludes that an antenatal integrative medicine education programme in addition to usual care significantly reduced epidural use and caesarean section in nulliparous women. Finally, at number ten is an experimental study by Eleftheriou et al looking at the influence of attractiveness on the condom use intentions of heterosexual men.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Ravnskov et al. Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review
2 Kristensen et al. The effect of statins on average survival in randomised trials, an analysis of end point postponement
3 Quigley et al. Association between home birth and breast feeding outcomes: a cross-sectional study in 28 125 mother-infant pairs from Ireland and the UK
4 Teschke et al. Bicycling injury hospitalisation rates in Canadian jurisdictions: analyses examining associations with helmet legislation and mode share
5 Hill et al. Development and initial cohort validation of the Arthritis Research UK Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ) for use across musculoskeletal care pathways
6 Tabassum et al. Association of volunteering with mental well-being: a lifecourse analysis of a national population-based longitudinal study in the UK
7 Smyth et al. Identification of adults with sepsis in the prehospital environment: a systematic review
8 Levett et al. Complementary therapies for labour and birth study: a randomised controlled trial of antenatal integrative medicine for pain management in labour
9 Jaber et al. New method of preoxygenation for orotracheal intubation in patients with hypoxaemic acute respiratory failure in the intensive care unit, non-invasive ventilation combined with apnoeic oxygenation by high flow nasal oxygen: the randomised OPTINIV study protocol
10 Eleftheriou et al. Does attractiveness influence condom use intentions in heterosexual men? An experimental study

Most read figures are based on pdf downloads and full text views. Abstract views are excluded.

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