UCL Qualitative Health Research Symposium 2015

The UCL Division of Psychiatry’s Qualitative Researchers Working Group is working together with the UCL Department of Applied Health Research and the UCL Health Behaviour Research Centre on a one day symposium to discuss questions, and to generate constructive commentary on the contributions that qualitative inquiry can make to understandings of health, illness and care.

The symposium will include a keynote paper by Dr Sara Shaw, Queen Mary University of London and a panel discussion featuring Professor Paul Higgs, UCL Division of Psychiatry, Professor Naomi Fulop, UCL Department of Applied Health Research, and Professor Richard Watt, UCL Epidemiology and Public Health and will include oral and poster presentations from the UK and abroad.

The background and context of the day can be found on the blog pages of UCL’s Division of Psychiatry here.

BMJ Open has a track record of publishing high-quality qualitative research in medicine and healthcare and we are delighted to be supporting this conference. Shortly afterwards the abstracts will also be published as a supplement to BMJ Open.

Information about the event and registration details can be found on the UCL Department of Applied Health Research website.

And further details about the symposium programme can be found here.

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