Hospital admissions, podcasts and rural vaccinations: Most read articles in August

The most-read article in August was Hornshøj et al‘s article on vaccination coverage in rural Guinea-Bissau. Carter et al‘s interview study of workplace bullying in the NHS stayed in the top ten for another month. Another title was the subject of the first BMJ Open podcast: Griffiths et al on how active our children are.  Other newly-published papers in the top ten include Aveling et al‘s quality study comparing surgical safety checklists in high-income and low-income countries and Billings et al‘s observational study on hospital admissions.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Hornshøj et al Vaccination coverage and out-of-sequence vaccinations in rural Guinea-Bissau: an observational cohort study
2 Carpenter et al Bed sharing when parents do not smoke: is there a risk of SIDS? An individual level analysis of five major case–control studies
3 Griffiths et al How active are our children? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study
4 Gao et al Effects of centrally acting ACE inhibitors on the rate of cognitive decline in dementia
5 Kerns et al How patients want to engage with their personal health record: a qualitative study
6 Aveling et al A qualitative study comparing experiences of the surgical safety checklist in hospitals in high-income and low-income countries
7 Wallace et al The epidemiology of malpractice claims in primary care: a systematic review
8 Wakefield et al Introduction effects of the Australian plain packaging policy on adult smokers: a cross-sectional study
9 Ford et al Current treatments in diabetic macular oedema: systematic review and meta-analysis
10 Billings et al Choosing a model to predict hospital admission: an observational study of new variants of predictive models for case finding


Most read figures are based on pdf downloads and full text views. Abstract views are excluded.

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