Most read articles in June

The most read article in June was once again Kripke and colleagues’ paper on the association between hypnotic use and mortality. Both the second and third most read papers – Söder et al‘s analysis on the association between dental plaque and mortality in Sweden and Nichols et al‘s modelling study on optimal alcohol intake – received large amounts of press coverage in the UK and beyond.

Click on the titles to read the articles in full.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Kripke et al Hypnotics’ association with mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study
2 Söder et al The association of dental plaque with cancer mortality in Sweden. A longitudinal study
3 Nichols et al What is the optimal level of population alcohol consumption for chronic disease prevention in England? Modelling the impact of changes in average consumption levels
4 Townsend and Pitchford Baby knows best? The impact of weaning style on food preferences and body mass index in early childhood in a case–controlled sample
5 Eyre et al A pilot study of rapid benchtop sequencing ofStaphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile for outbreak detection and surveillance
6 Patterson et al


Consumption of takeaway and fast food in a deprived inner London Borough: are they associated with childhood obesity?
7 Marcelino et al Burnout levels among Portuguese family doctors: a nationwide survey
8 Belghiti et al Oxytocin during labour and risk of severe postpartum haemorrhage: a population-based, cohort-nested case–control study
9 Lee et al UK stroke incidence, mortality and cardiovascular risk management 1999–2008: time-trend analysis from the General Practice Research Database
10 Farrimond et al Memantine and cholinesterase inhibitor combination therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review


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