The International Research Society of the Sapporo Conference for Palliative & Supportive Care in Cancer (IRS-SCPSC) newsletter is usually published quarterly. Each year, Higashi Sapporo Hospital, which hosts the IRS-SCPSC, provides opportunities for contemplative reflection by presenting philosophical themes to the relevant global community at the beginning of the year. The philosophical themes, proposed by […]
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‘Best Interests’ – a label that covers many different concepts
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The following is from the Winter issue of the International Research Society of the Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer Newsletter that was published in December 2022 for IRS-SCPSC members. To view the full newsletter, please click this link Message from Dr.Ishitani Greetings, Our thoughts and prayers are with many people […]
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Newsletter for the Sapporo Conference in Japan for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer (SCPSC)
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The proverb, ‘If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain’ speaks of seeking an alternative if the wished-for reality is not possible. But what if Muhammad is too ill to go to the mountain? In today’s fast-moving era of extending reality through technology, can a virtual mountain, or other […]
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Quick Response Palliative Care: Are wearable medical identification wristbands with QR code technology acceptable to palliative care patients?
Dr Elin Harding, Palliative Medicine Doctor, Clinical Research Fellow, Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff, UK ORCID 0009-0003-7100-7998 Dr Martha Thomas, Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Princess of Wales, Bridgend, UK 0009-0004-5908-8550 Dr Nikki Pease, Palliative Medicine Consultant, Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff, UK 0000-0002-8994-749 In the last year of life, palliative patients increasingly access emergency unscheduled care via […]