By Dr Joseph Hawkins, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Clinical lead for End of Life Care, Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust. Twitter: @JoeHawk75825077
Thank you for coming- I
Have a crime to report!
Only yesterday I was sitting here as I do since I first rolled down
The days merge with the seasons,
But I recall it was cold and the water had frozen.
There was a “crack”.
And a piece of me was gone!
Just like that,
One moment part of me, the next
No longer there.
I mean, I can see it.
But it’s sitting, dead.
Separate to me.
What do you mean, weathering?!
Time, you say,
Say I- it was a person.
I missed who, I don’t have a description
But someone must be to blame.
Slowly the officer walked away.
The rock sat,
And pondered.
A little less than it was.
Note by the author: we all want a narrative in life and illness doesn’t escape this. A wise clinician works with the narrative if they can.
Also by this Author:
My Tower. Your heart.
The Palliative Times. Special education issue
The nature of joy