European Palliative Care Day


‘One voice, one vision’

The first European Palliative Care Day, will take place on 15th June 2023, organized by the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). The purpose of this new European day is to demonstrate the strength and unity of the EAPC network of member associations and increase awareness of palliative care.

The specific aims of this campaign are to:

  1. Highlight palliative care as being fundamental to the provision of universal health coverage with the general public, professionals and policy makers.
  2. Support improved health literacy about palliative care among the public, patients, professionals and policymakers.


The campaign will be launched online on Monday 15 May, one month in advance of European Palliative Care Day (on 15 June 2023). During this month, EAPC will use digital media channels to promote and highlight the campaign. A digital resource pack will be available to download from their website:

European Palliative Care Day 2023 will be celebrated on the opening day of the 18th EAPC World Congress in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, where a host and range of interactive activities will take place for attendees and there will be enhanced social media output to mark the day.


How to get involved?

EAPC members can download the resource pack (available from 15 May 2023) and adapt the content so that they can support and promote the campaign among contacts and networks.

The multi-language digital resource pack will contain:

  • European Palliative Care Day information, key messages and hashtags with simple guidance on how to use the pack.
  • Digital content that you can adapt and add your associations logo to
  • A press release


The EAPC committee would invite readers to celebrate the day on 15th June, perhaps by posting and sharing digital content on your social media, and if you are going to be in Rotterdam, do come along to the ‘EAPC zone’ and take part in our activities.

European Palliative Care Day is our opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of palliative care and to highlight the need for increased access to palliative care services throughout Europe.




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