“Coronafrisur”- Over one thousand new words added to German language in light of covid pandemic

by BMJ SPCare Blog Team

Over 1,200 new words that have been added to the German lexicon in the last year, according to the Leibniz Institute for German Language.

If you are “coronamüde” you would mean you’re feeling fatigued of the whole covid-19, situation, although in theory you could also be suffering from long covid symptoms.

A new phrase everyone that many medical and palliative care professionals can probably strongly relate to is the feeling of being “Overzoomed“. It describes the feeling when you’re burned out from too many video calls in a given day.

Meanwhile, a “Coronafrisur” is your lockdown hairstyle – and with many hair salons temporarily closed, this word can likely refer to a broad range of messy and unkempt dos.

Coronaangst“, refers to fear and anxiety relating to Covid-19.

Other words include “Impfneid“, a feeling of resentment that other people are getting vaccinated before you, and “Impfvordrängler, for a person who has gone against the government’s strategy and been vaccinated before others with higher priority.

But other countries have also created new words, for instance “Covidiota“, a Spanish that refers to anyone who isn’t following lockdown rules (still meeting friends, having parties, or sharing drinks).

And the Japanese have created “On-Nomi“: bars may be closed, but friends are still finding a way to enjoy happy hour, via video chat. On-Nomi literally means “drink online”.



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