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Selected items from the News and Latest Additions sections of, the world’s leading palliative care website.


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FDA approve REMS for m/r opioids

USFood and Drug administration (FDA) has approved a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program for all modified-release (m/r) opioids. Key components include prescriber training, updated patient information guides and counselling documents and manufacturer assessment/auditing requirements. For more information click here.


CQC annual report: safer management of controlled drugs

The UK Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published their 2011 annual report on the safer management of controlled drugs. This fifth report makes a number of recommendations for accountable officers. Other key recommendations include:

  • accountable officers must ensure the safe and effective use of transdermal fentanyl patches through establishing a suitable system and educating staff involved in prescribing, dispensing, administering and disposing of them
  • methylphenidate and dexamfetamine should be monitored carefully to ensure that they are prescribed appropriately in all sectors
  • the use of a standard Controlled Drug Requisition Form (FP10 CDF) should be encouraged more actively.

For more information click here.


MHRA launches new website section for medicines information

A new section has been added to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) website, bringing together the different types of information related to medicines. The following sources of information are linked to from this new section:

  • Summary of Product Characteristics (SPCs) and Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)
  • Drug Analysis Prints
  • Drug Safety Updates
  • Public Assessment Reports
  • Summaries of risk management plans
  • Yellow card site.


Prepared by Sarah Charlesworth and Andrew Wilcock

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